Extracurricular Experience

Toastmasters International

Communication and leadership development are cornerstones of my journey at Toastmasters. I’ve taken on several Executive Board roles within Emirates Toastmasters Club, including:

  1. Treasurer (July 2023–June 2024)

  2. Vice President Public Relations (July 2022–June 2023)

  3. Sergeant-At-Arms (July 2021–June 2022)

I’ve also earned recognition in various speech contests:

  1. 1st Place, Club-Level Table Topics Contest (2023-2024, 2022–2023 & 2021–2022)

  2. 1st Place, Club-Level Evaluation Contest (2023-2024, 2022–2023)

  3. 2nd Place, Club-Level International Speech Contest (2022–2023)

  4. 1st Place, Area 26 Table Topics Contest (2021–2022)

  5. 2nd Place, Area 26 International Speech Contest (2022–2023)

  6. 3rd Place, Division F Table Topics Contest (2021–2022)

Additionally, I completed the Leadership Development Pathway, a specialized Toastmasters curriculum that builds strategic thinking, team management, and project leadership skills. This intensive program sharpened my ability to lead diverse teams, set measurable goals, and execute impactful initiatives—enhancing the leadership competencies I continue to refine and share with fellow members.

These milestones reflect my commitment to effective communication, critical thinking, and leadership—skills I continue to hone through practice, mentorship, and ongoing self-improvement.

Effective Altruism (EA)

My passion for social impact led me to become deeply involved in the Effective Altruism (EA) community, starting as a Fellow in the Intro to EA Fellowship (Feb–Apr 2022). Since then, I have:

Held Multiple Leadership Roles at Effective Altruism AUS:

  1. President (Oct 2023–Present)

  2. Vice President (Aug 2023–Oct 2023)

  3. Events Coordinator (Aug 2022–Aug 2023)

Served as a Community Builder for EA UAE, where I helped organize events and foster community engagement.

Participated in Major Conferences:

  1. Strategic Altruistic and Philanthropic Conference (Apr 2022)

  2. EAGx Singapore (Sep 2022), fully funded by the Centre for Effective Altruism

  3. EAGx Virtual (Oct 2022)

Facilitated an EA Introductory Fellowship (Oct–Dec 2022), guiding new members through EA principles.

Joined the Effective Altruism Consulting Network (EACN) as a Mentee.

Through these activities, I’ve honed my leadership and organizational skills, while contributing to a global effort to prioritize evidence-based, high-impact initiatives.

Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society

I was inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta in Spring 2021 for achieving exceptional first-year academic performance. I later served as Organizational Development Officer (Feb–May 2023), supporting initiatives that promote academic excellence and community service among new students.

Debating Society

As Executive Assistant (Aug–Dec 2022), I provided organizational support for debates and events, helped coordinate team logistics, and worked with fellow members to enhance public speaking and critical analysis skills.

Neuroscience Society

I served as Public Relations Coordinator (Aug–Dec 2022), responsible for outreach, event promotion, and digital communications—giving me hands-on experience in science advocacy and community engagement.

Table Tennis Achievements

From 2015 to 2019, I proudly represented The Indian High School, Dubai at the CBSE National Table Tennis Championships across the Middle East. The highlight of this athletic chapter was winning the Bronze Medal in 2019, followed by a Sports Excellence Award from the CBSE Gulf Sahodya UAE Chapter in December 2019. This recognition underscored my years of dedicated training and competitive experience at the national level.